There are about 86 professional body builders using the Ion Magnum and 654 Atheletes including NFL players, and well known names from Football and Basketbal in Europe and South America. Globally, 1,768 international doctors around the world use the Ion Magnum and 388 VIPs including famous actors and actresses who bought the Ion Magnum prior to filming well known movies. We have no signed release from them to reveal their names. The device is shipped from the UK with all accessories and has life warranty on all parts. A number of international doctors maintain that strenous exercise increases blood flow enhances hormone transport in addition with the documented increase of DHEA, HGF and TSH. TSH is converted to T4 which is then converted into T3. Both T3 and HGF stimulates adipocytes to break down. Additionally triglycerides are utilized as an energy source. HGH stimulates the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-1. IGF-1 stimulates the differentiation / proliferation of myoblasts, amino acid uptake & protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues.  
Ion Magnum Elite International - 采用神经激素信号工作模式,一次疗程内燃烧高达5000个卡路里,瞬间减少脂肪并减小身体局部肥胖尺寸,平均在10次疗程内达到永远性效果。研究表明在疗程后有效减少皮下脂肪及内脏脂肪、加快塑身过程、促进肌肉建成并有效缓减肌肉疼痛,调节和提升身体及脸部肌肉。由英国First Pacemaker发明团队成员之一的Gerry Pollock

Ion Magnum 국제 엘리트. 신경 호르몬 신호는 한치료로 5000 칼로리까지 운동으로 빠질구울 추정됩니다. 평균적으로 10 치료로, 인스턴트 체중 감소와 영구적 인 결과가있을 것입니다. 연구는 내장 및 피하 지방 감소, 전력 몸 형성, 활발한 근육 건물을 보여 주었읍니다. 몸과 지방을 빠지개 만들입니다. Gerry Pollock 가 발명하고 만들었습니다. 첫 번째 페이스 메이커를 발명 한 팀의 구성원입니다. EU 의 제조 및 Business Innovation Center 에 의해 투자습니다. 관절을 젊어지게합니다. 근육통에 효과。
Ион Magnum Elite International. Нейрогормональных сигнализации оценкам сжечь до 5000 калорий от в одной обработке. Мгновенное потеря дюйма и экспозиционно результаты с и evarage 10 traetments. Исследования показали, висцерального и подкожного сокращение жира, тела мощность формирование и активную наращивания мышечной массы. Мелодии и лифты и тело, и факт. Изобрел и построил Джордж Поллок, члена команды, которая изобрела первый миротворца в Великобритании. Изготовлено в финансируемого ЕС Бизнес Центр инноваций. Омолаживает суставы. Эффективное на мышечную боль.

Corporate: +44 20 32 86 1886 / +44 20 32 39 9013 Hong Kong +852 9340 5069 / +852 8191 1093:
The Ion Magnum Genius & Arasys Genius are cleared by the USA FDA K123158 & K132179 respectively for Muscle Conditioning - Prescription Only.
Ion Magnum IELLIOS and Perfector fall under the low voltage directive of IEC Class I devices. All devices are manufactured in ISO awarded facilities
India distributor:
 All text, images, and design is copyright ©2008 Perfector Skincare, LTD and Ion Magnum LTD. All rights reserved.
IELLIOS and Ion Magnum are trademarks of Ion Magnum LTD, UK